Sunday church services begin at 10 am in our sanctuary.
Actually, we really begin a few minutes after 10 am, because in keeping with Lutheran tradition, we start out with confession and forgiveness. This is a way of preparing for worship by acknowledging our broken or harmful relationships with one another, with our community (local and global), and with God. What we do (or don’t do) isn’t perfect; and part of our Christian discipleship is a commitment to keep striving for relationships that model Christ’s love for us. Confession is a chance to admit that we can’t get there on our own, and also a reminder that we don’t have to: that God’s grace will keep calling us back, welcoming us in, and giving us the strength, courage, and patience to start again.
This isn’t just the foundation of our worship, it’s the foundation of our entire life in faith, and the source of the grace we are called to offer.
Our sanctuary is accessible by stairs and by elevator. We have great acoustics that are augmented by microphones and by hearing assistance devices. We use a printed guide called a “bulletin” to make our way through worship together, including songs, prayers, readings, and a reflection on the day’s selected Bible texts that is usually offered by the pastor or a guest speaker. The printed bulletin is available in regular and large-print versions. Much of our music is traditional, but we sing new hymns and old; and we are accompanied by organ, youth band, and sometimes even Område Trummisar, our community drum ensemble!
A nursery attended by volunteers is available on the lower level, off the east side of the welcome center, for children ages 0-5 years. All children are welcome in worship services at all times! Activity bags are available at the main entry to the sanctuary, or by asking an usher. Children are always invited up to the front steps for an age-appropriate message about the day’s Bible readings, shared by Pastor Truhe.